film noir

Films that time forgot: Angel Heart (1987)

by Matthew Hammond 28 September 2012

Alan Parker’s Angel Heart (1987) is an experience in total atmosphere and mood. There is only one way to adequately describe the sensation and affective power of the film: pressure cooker intense. Tension, intrigue and fear bubble up, all the way to boiling point…

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In Review: Hammett (1982)

by Maryann O'Connor 21 February 2012

By Maryann O’Connor Samuel Dashiell Hammett was, at various points in his life, a writer of good mysteries, a detective and political activist; in short, dream fodder for other writers’ detective tales.

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In Review: Gilda (1946) Re-released on the big screen

by David Katz 26 July 2011

By David Katz Laden with fear, intrigue and eroticism, and featuring a luminous, unforgettable leading turn by Rita Hayworth, Gilda (1946) is one of the best examples of noir in the genre’s post-war heyday.

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