chris hemsworth

Thor: The Dark World: press conference tidbits

by Daniel Goodwin 24 October 2013

Marvel’s reign over the multiplexes continues this month with the release of Thor: The Dark World; another action heavy and humorous delve into the fantastical realm of Asgard. With a darker, otherworldly setting and tone, Thor: The Dark World explores the evolving relationship between the Norse God and his adopted brother Loki in such illustrious […]

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In Review: Thor: The Dark World (3D)

by Daniel Goodwin 24 October 2013

Superhero films have dominated mainstream cinema for nearly fifteen years now to the point where they have become a genre unto themselves and defined a decade of film making.

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In Review: Avengers Assemble

by Maryann O'Connor 20 April 2012

From the moment Captain America was released last year [and an Avengers preview ran after the closing credits] , we knew it was time: the grandiose stage was finally set for the Avengers to make their spandex slash metal-clad appearance.

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In Review: The Cabin In The Woods

by Darryl Griffiths 12 April 2012

The horror genre has become so obsessed in recent years with redundant remakes of superior originals and the endless splatterings of torture porn, it’s no wonder it has become such a frowned upon form of entertainment. We’ve been holding out for a hero for so long and now two come along at once.

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