Issue 10 of New Empress Magazine will be our time issue and consequently we’ll be looking at various ways in which time is used in film. Each issue we ask contributors and readers a Big Question about the movies. Leave your answer to our Big Question in the comments box below and the cream of the crop will be published in our next print issue in May. Our favourite answer will win a pack of film goodies courtesy of The Empress.
This issue’s Big Question: If you could time travel to any film future (e.g. In Time) or any film past (e.g. The Flintstones) where would you travel and why?
Write your answers in the comments box below for a chance to win!
{ 77 comments… read them below or add one }
I would travel to whatever time period necessary to prevent the birth of Jar Jar Binks and stop him ruining Star Wars for me.
Rashomon. A fascinating time in a fascinating country.
For me it would have to be something like Pride and Prejudice – with beautiful dresses and corsets, where romance still existed and people had grand dinner parties.
I’d travel to 1893 London as depicted in Time After Time to track Jack the Ripper (and learn the truth) and enjoy the company of HG Wells.
I’d travel to the 1920′s ala the film Chicago, I love that era for the music & the fashion.
I’d travel back to 1969 to watch in awe the first man landing on the moon it was a never to be forgotten moment
i would go to the great escape ,such a brilliant film
Early 1960′s and tell James dean to sell the car or slow down!
I would travel to the San Dimas of 2688, to be at the home town of Bill S. Preston, Esq and Theodore “Ted” Logan and be able to live in the excellent utopian society inspred by the two great ones and their Wild Stallion’s band….and have a guitar solo sound everytime i do an air guitar to something i thought was excellent.
Be a fly on the wall in Victoria era as Jack the ripper commits his grisly crimes, find out who did it and be a hero lol
bram Stokers Dracula to be a vampire
avatar…. be an interesting world to discover
alien-go kick alien butt lol
“Oliver”, i might regret this, but it was an interesting era!
I’d have to travel forward, to a time like that in fifth element. Flying cars, takeaway restaurants travelling passed your window, visiting other worlds for a holiday..sounds pretty awesome.
Id like to be in the scarface , great clothes music and cars
I would go forward into the Star Trek universe. Hugely geeky, but I just love the idea of travelling the universe in a huge space ship.
I would go back to Braveheart and help free William Wallace
I don’t know what year it is but whenever Moulin Rouge was set. I could sooooo be a cancan dancer!
It’s got to be near future and battling emperor Ming with Flash Gordon
Back to the future. That would be to the past and the future and futures past… One confusing ride!
I would rewind to 1973 and start the whole thing over again
Wedding Crashers – always cheers me up!
Id travel back to the 60s/70s when they used to make “decent” horror movies…….. Alfred Hitchcock, John Carpenter etc……… The Birds, Halloween, Amityville, Psycho……… All great classic horrors!! I havent seen a film that matches up to their excellence………….. yet!!
I would travel back to THE OLD WEST days in America where you could ride horses and shoot anyone who gave you trouble! Im sure that bullies wouldve been shot rather than allowed to continue bullying you!
I would travel back to 1969, and I would make sure that all birds of prey were safe, and any nasty PE teachers were given a talking to.
Without a doubt it would be to the time of any of the recent Jane Austen adaptions a simple time where triple dip recession wasnt a problem and real romance .
I would travel to Hogwarts and diagon alley for some magical adventures.
Take me back to a brief encounter at a railway station,love was so sweet, and endearing,but was never meant to be,,,sigh!!
I would just go back to last week and put the right lottery numbers on !
The lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe!! I would love to find a wardrobe that would transport me to Narnia! However if I met the ice queen I would ask for something better than Turkish delight!!
I would got back to the swinging sixies
To 1969 to see Elvis restart is live shows.
go back to see the dinosaurs lol
I would like to be in the swinging sixties with beatles & carnaby street & mini skirts fab
I feel going back in time would be the ultimate trip. Back to 1985 when Rocky and the US are taking on Drago and the Soviet Union, ring side seats to see a brilliant fight, but on top of that, a first class performance by James Brown!
I think it would be Pinewood Studios in 1956 to see what really did happen on the set of The Prince and the Showgirl!.
Titanic – that way I could warn them all to get off in Ireand…
It would have to be when I was Born, just to hear the Midwife tell my Mother “Mrs Wright, it`s the most beautiful boy I have delivered”
Hmm… I think it’d have to be the past in the Wild West in Back to the Future Part III, because then I’d be able to nick a car that goes both to the future AND to the past, meaning I could go anywhere!
I’d go to Shakespeare’s time as I’ve never been persuaded that his work has hidden meanings, needs to be picked apart and discussed. I reckon he’s akin to soap and romcom tv programmes – he writes what people want to see.
Herculaneum, one month before the eruption of Mt Vesuvius. After watching a documentary about their lives, it would appear they all enjoyed a rich and varied lifestyle, where free slaves enjoyed a culturally balanced lifestyle alongside Romans and where advances in technology allowed them to enjoy clean hygienic living, seafood diet sounds good as does the communal bathing
This is tricky, i can think of one past (Back to the future) and one future (I Robot) but i can’t choose which one.
If i was going to the past i’d travel to 1955 along with Marty McFly, i know he ventured there my mistake and spent his time trying to get back to 1985, but i’d help him enjoy himself in his new found year. I’d also stop him from getting his then teenage mothers attraction & spare him the akwardness.
If i was traveling to the future, the only place i’d be intrested in going is to 2035 where i’d join the police department – working alongside Del Spooner (will smith) will be a bonus in it’s self but working with the robots would be an even bigger bonus (until they went crazy though!) I’d love to join Del & susan the robot psychologist, figure out exactly what was going on in their heads, why they acted as they do, and whether they actually had emotion. Just think if that job was real, it would be sweeeeeeeeeeet. 2035 is soon upon us, maybe i won’t have to travel in time – i could wait, wait and see if my future has robots like I, Robot or if its the same as it is now.
I’d go to the deep South of Gone with the Wind!
I would travel to the time the Lord of the Rings is set in, so that I could join the Fellowship as I a clearly a Bada** warrior
I would have to go back to 1999 and the film “The Green Mile” It was such an emotional film and I would make sure that (John Coffey) Michael Clarke Duncan did not get executed.
Definitely back to the Pride and Prejudice (and that era). Always love films based around then. Good luck to all x
I would travel back , Gone with the Wind , I wouldnt want to experience the war but I would like to try the dresses
It’d have to be 50′s America, ala Back to the Future – the quintessential feel-good family time travel movie (questionable mother/son relationship screenplay decision aside
To the beginning of Bambi so I could prevent his mum from being killed.
I’d travel to the future as led by Bill and Ted
The end of Lord of the Rings, Return of the King and make them finish it properly.
I would travel back to marlon Brando’s time so maybe if i was a lucky girl i would have got the chance to star in a film with him
I’ll have a bit of the swinging sixties and some fun with Austin Powers, International Man of Mystery. Yeah baby
“Hugo” To open my eyes and be in the Gare Montparnasse railway station in 1931. To be gifted the opportunity to look into the eyes of Papa Georges aka Georges Méliès the father of Cinema, and thank him for the fantasical gift he pioneered that would give joy, hope and meaning to millions.
I’d travel to the 60′s so I could pull off wearing huge flares and stop Austin Powers drinking poo (that scene always makes me feel ill!)
If i could travel back in time, i’d love to go back to the time when the Pharohs ruled Egypt. To learn about how advanced their culture was compared to ours.
I’d like to go back to one million years BC and ask Raquel Welch how she keeps her teeth so white and who did her fillings.
Brief Encounter….tell her to run away with the dishy doctor and not go back to her dull life !!!!
Roswell, to check out the wreckage for myself !!
id travel to pandora and become one of the Na’vi because it looks like such a peaceful way to live (most of the time)
i would go back to gone with the wind love the dresses and big house’s
I would like to go to London in Mary Poppins time and feed the birds without getting a fine and look at chalk painting seeing London before the skyline changed.
I would go to Belleville Rendez-vous and help his granny rescue him from the villains.
I’d like to go have fun with the ‘Grease’ cast
I wish to go back to Deadwood.
This town had so many fascinating characters and I really wish I could meet some of them, especially Jane (I loved this drunk)
i would go back to 1946,when a banker named Andy Dufresne is convicted of a double murder, so i could be a witness at the trial, so Andy Dufresne doesnt have to go through hell
I’d travel back to the late 50′s / early 60′s so I could live in New York and be friends with Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany’s! She is just my ultimate film role model and hopefully she would let me borrow her iconic LBD!
Many years into the future to experience the Palnet of the Apes!!
i would travel back to when marylin monroe and elvis presley was around id love to see how they really lived and what really went on x
1961 to be friends with Kathy( whistle down the wind) and meet Jesus
Future to meet Hicks from Aliens
I would travel back in time to World War 2 and held Oskar Schindler in his stand against the terrible evil of the Nazis
I’d love to travel back to the 1970′s, at the start of The Time Traveler’s Wife story. I loved the film and the book, and travelling back to the start of the story would mean I could travel to the past, future and present. Confusing! Mostly, it would be great to be a part of the love story and its evolution over all time periods.
I would travel back to the Roaring Twenties and make the Great Gatsby fall in love with me and
live like a princess.
I would go back to the 50′s when women with curvy figures like Marilyn Monroe’s character Sugar Kane in “Some Like It Hot” were celebrated!