Comments on: In Review: War Horse The film magazine that breaks convention Tue, 16 Jun 2015 10:48:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: The Agent Apsley Fri, 23 Dec 2011 05:32:12 +0000 Well, I was too busy trying to clear my mobile’s message-memory and turning it to silent so that the space made could receive a pending message during Another Earth to pay much attention to the trailer to-night.

Thanks, however, as this review confirms not only that I didn’t even want to give the trailer my full attention, but the impression that I had already gained from some sort of booklet around the cinema with a prancing horse in garish colours and from seeing Spielberg’s name at the trailer’s end that this was just some far-fetched piece of nonsense, tied into a war for good measure, such as Saving Private Ryan.

(I’m just basing that judgement on how ludicrous the earlier film’s premise sounded, than which Donald Duck and his adventures with his nephews had greater pull, family feeling and authenticity.)
